abstract class Comparator{ private String datafiled; public abstract int compareTo(Object other); // }// an abstract method is called a pure virtual function and is tagged with a trailing = 0interface Comparable{ int compareTo(Object other); // All methods of an interface are automatically public. default int compareTo2(Object other) { return 0; } // By default, all elements are the same}
A class implements an interface by doing this:
class SomeClass extends SomeParent implements interfaceName{}
A class extends just one parent, but may implement several interfaces.
class SomeClass extends SomeParent implements interfaceA, interfaceB, interfaceC{}1 抽象类
Abstract classes are used to organize programs. The same program could be organized in many ways. Our example program could be written without an abstract class. But a real-world application might have hundreds of classes. Grouping classes together is important in keeping a program organized and understandable.
The advantage of using an abstract class is that you can group several related classes together as siblings.
abstract class Template { public final voidgetTime() { long start= System.currentTimeMillis(); code(); longend= System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("执行时间是:"+ (end-start)); } public abstract void code();}class SubTemplate extends Template { public void code() { for(int i= 0; i< 10000; i++) { System.out.println(i); } }}
2 接口
“interface”(接口)关键字使抽象的概念更深入了一层。我们可将其想象为一个“纯”抽象类。它允许创建者规定一个类的基本形式:方法名、自变量列表以及返回类型,但不规定方法主体。接口也可以有基本数据类型的数据成员,但它们都默认为static 和final。接口只提供一种形式,并不提供实施的细节。接口这样描述自己:“对于实现我的所有类,都应该具有我的能力”。因此,采用了一个特定接口的所有代码都知道对于那个接口可能会调用什么方法。所以我们常把接口用于建立类和类之间的一个“协议”。有些面向对象的程序设计语言采用了一个名为“protocol”(协议)的关键字,它做的便是与接口相同的事情。
接口中定义的字段会自动具有static 和final 属性。它们不能是“空白final”,但可初始化成非常数表达式。
Supplying instance fields and methods that operate on them is the job of the classes that implement the interface. being similar to an abstract class with no instance fields. Why can’t Comparable simply be an abstract class? A class can only extend a single class(not support multiple inheritance. But each class can implement as many interfaces.
3 接口和抽象类的区别是什么?
Interfaces, is a way of describing what classes should do, without specifying how they should do it. A class can implement one or more interfaces. You can then use objects of these implementing classes whenever conformance to the interface is required.
In the Java programming language, an interface is not a class but a set of requirements for the classes that want to conform to the interface.
C++ has multiple inheritance, similar to a Java class with a single superclass and additional interfaces.
You can use a proxy to create, at runtime, new classes that implement a given set of interfaces. Proxies are only necessary when you don’t yet know at compile time which interfaces you need to implement.
Suppose you want to construct an object of a class that implements one or more interfaces whose exact nature you may not know at compile time. This is a difficult problem. To construct an actual class, you can simply use the newInstance method or use reflection to find a constructor. But you can’t instantiate an interface. You need to define a new class in a running program.
To overcome this problem, some programs generate code, place it into a file, invoke the compiler, and then load the resulting class file. Naturally, this is slow, and it also requires deployment of the compiler together with the program. The proxy mechanism is a better solution. The proxy class can create brand-new classes at runtime. Such a proxy class implements the interfaces that you specify. In particular, the proxy class has the following methods:
All methods required by the specified interfaces; and
All methods defined in the Object class (toString, equals, and so on).The application program interface (API), also known as library, contains predefined classes and interfaces for developing Java programs. The API is still expanding.
The Collections Framework is a sophisticated hierarchy of interfaces and classes that provide state-of-the-art technology for managing groups of objects.
Normally, you can’t put any code inside an interface, but a nested class can be part of an interface. Any class you put inside an interface is automatically public and static. Since the class is static, it doesn’t violate the rules for interfaces-the nested class is only placed inside the namespace of the interface.
Interfaces give Java some of the advantages of multiple inheritance without the disadvantages.
An interface is a list of constants and method headers. The methods are not implemented in the interface (there is no method body). A class that implements an interface must implement each of the methods listed in the interface.
An interface includes only constants and method headers, not instance variables.
A method in an interface is public by default. The constants in an interface are public static final by default. Recall that final means that the value cannot change as the program is running.
默认情况下,接口中的方法是公共的。默认情况下,接口中的常量是public static final。回想一下,final表示在程序运行时该值不能更改。
interface MyInterface{ int aConstant = 32; // a constant (public static final, by default) double pi = 3.14159; // a constant (public static final, by default) void methodA( int x ); // a method header (public, by default) double methodB(); // a method header (public, by default)}4 使用接口注意事项
A class that implements an interface must implement each method in the interface.
Methods from the interface must be declared public in the class.
Constants from the interface can be used as if they had been defined in the class.
Constants should not be redefined in the class.
An interface can be used as a data type for a reference variable.
An interface can be an extension of another interface (but not an extension of a class).
To use sort() with a class that you define, Comparable interface must be implemented
Several classes in the Java libraries implement the Iterator interface. Some of these classes are complicated, and a simple loop can't be used to access all their elements. For those classes, an iterator, which systematically accesses each element, is very useful.
Iterable interface -- a class that implements this can create an Iterator for itself.
Iterator interface -- an Iterator implements methods to visit the elements of a list.