paraphrase 英 /ˈpærəfreɪz/ 美 /ˈpærəfreɪz/ n. 释义;解释;意译vt. 释义
【考法 1 】v.转述,意译,改写: to express something (as a text or statement) in different words
【例】Could you please paraphrase your diagnosis of my health condition, using simpler language? 您能否用更通俗的话语转述一下您对我健康状况的诊断呢
【近】rephrase, restate, reword, translate
【反】quote (不加以修改地)引用
eulogize 英 /ˈjuːlədʒaɪz/ 美 /ˈjuːlədʒaɪz/ vt. 颂扬;称赞
【考法 1】vt.称赞;颂扬: to speak or write in high praise of
【例】He was eulogized at his funeral as a caring husband and a good father他在悼词中被称赞为一个好丈夫、一个好爸爸。
【反】defame, pan, stricture 诬蔑,指责
puissance /ˈpwɪsəns/ n. 权力;权势;影响;(马的)越障能力测试
【考法1】n.权力: power; might
【例】the president pledged to put the full puissance of the nation into the war effort 总统下令全国**战争状态
【近】force, might, potency, strength, vigor, sinew
【反】powerlessness, impotence, weakness 无力
poseur /poʊˈzɜːr/n. 装模作样的人;装腔作势的人
【考法1】n.故作姿态、不真诚的人: an affected or insincere person
【例】She is such a poseur and you will never know if she is really crying or pretending.她就是个爱装的人,你从不知道她是真的在哭还是只是**而己。
【近】grandstander, poser