一.驱动部位(DRIVE UNIT)
1.电机(Motor),2.减速机(Gear box/ Reducer)3.液力耦合器(Fluid coupling)4.离合器(Clutch)5.扭力臂(Torque arm)6.驱动滚筒(Drive pulley)7.改向滚筒(Bend pulley)8.胶带(Belt conveyor)9.联轴器(Coupling),10头轮(Head pulley) 11 止逆器(holdback) 12 制动器(brake);
二.拉紧站(Take up station)
张紧滚筒(Take-up pulley) 2 配重(counterweight) 3 卷扬机(Hoist) 4钢丝绳(wire rope) 5 滑轮(pulley) 6 重锤(Gravity)三. 尾轮部件(Tail parts)
1 尾轮(Tail pulley) 2 张紧螺栓(Tension bolts) 3 张紧塔(Take-up tower) 4 裙边(Skirt)
四. 胶带及托辊(Belt conveyor and idlers)
1 胶带(Belt conveyor) 2 托辊(Idlers) 3 槽形托辊(Troughing idlers) 4 胶带宽度(Belt width)5 缓冲托辊(Impact idlers) 6斜度(Slope) 7 胶带厚度( Belt thickness) 8 胶带层数( No. of plies) 9 接头形式(splice type) 10 伸长率(Elongation) 11 清扫器(Cleaner) 12 过渡托辊(Transition idlers) 13 平行回程托辊(Flat return idlers) 14 V形回程托辊(V-return idlers)
五 .电气及仪表设备(E&I euipment)
1 电机(Motor) 2 速度开关(Speed switches) 3 拉绳开关(Pull switches) 4 撕裂开关(Drift switches) 5 位置开关(Limit switches) 6 金属探测器(Metal detector) 7 除铁器(Magnet)
六 .其他(etc.)
1.温度(temperature) 2. 湿度(moisture) 3.密度(density) 4.安息角(angel of repose)5.抗压强度(compressive strength)