
Photo by Hu Jinwei 共享员工 shared employees **疫情打乱了很多行业的阵脚。很多餐饮企业遭遇寒冬,门庭冷落客流稀少;新零售企业的线上订单却呈爆发式增长,人手出现短缺,于是出现了“...


Photo by Hu Jinwei


shared employees



餐饮企业员工在盒马鲜生广州门店上岗 来源:羊城晚报

Several Chinese companies are temporarily hiring — or “sharing” — employees from businesses that haven’t resumed operations or are only partially operating due to concerns over the novel coronavirus epidemic. The so-called shared employees, known as gongxiang yuangongin Chinese, are being hired by supermarkets, e-commerce platforms’ retail stores, and other companies or factories to ease the workforce crunch.



According to domestic media outlet National Business Daily, more than 3,000 new employees had joined Hema as of Feb 19, while over 4,000 people had signed up for the “talent-sharing” plan under Suning’s logistics arm as of Feb 21. The American supermarket chain Walmart has also joined in the trend, hiring more than 3,000 temporary workers from other sectors to work at its branches in cities like Beijing, Fuzhou, and Shenzhen.据《每日经济新闻》报道,截至2月19日,已经有3000多名员工加入盒马鲜生;截至2月21日,有4000多人加入苏宁旗下物流**的“人才共享”计划。美国连锁**沃尔玛也加入这一行列,从其他行业临时雇用了3000多名员工在其北京、福州以及深圳的分店工作。


福州一家沃尔玛** 摄影:胡美东


Bike-sharing company Hellobike has opened 8,000 positions nationwide for bicycle maintenance, according to Xinhua News Agency. In Hefei, capital of the eastern Anhui province, Hellobike is seeking 300 temporary workers, while 40 employees from a local hotel have started working at an industrial park on one-month contracts.据**报道,共享单车企业哈啰出行已面向全国发出8000个自行车维护岗位。在安徽省合肥市,哈啰出行正在招募300名临时员工,与此同时,当地一家宾馆的40名员工已经在一个工业园上岗,合同期为一个月。

中南财经政法大学数字经济研究院执行院长盘和林指出,“共享员工(employee sharing)”在暂时劳动力过剩的**餐饮业与暂时劳动力紧缺的新兴电商零售平台之间激发了劳动共享,**餐饮企业、电商零售平台和员工三方都解了燃眉之急(address the pressing need of traditional catering enterprises, e-commerce platforms and workers)。



Yao Junchang, a lawyer with Beijing Weiheng Law Firm, told Workers’ Daily that companies hiring temporary workers should include detailed provisions in their agreements, including the duration of employment, salary and policy for work-related injury compensation.北京炜衡律师事务所合伙人姚均昌律师在接受《工人日报》记者采访时指出,企业应该就员工的雇用期限、工资**、工伤赔偿责任承担等方面作出具体约定。

“At the same time, the companies lending the employees should sign a complete secondment arrangement, pay employees in full, and pay social security on time,” he said. “Employees should pay more attention to safety precautions and require a tripartite agreement or labor agreement to be signed during the temporary employment period and keep records as evidence.”“同时,借出企业要签订完善的借调协议、及时足额为员工缴纳社保并支付工资,保障员工的合法权益;员工应更注重安全防护,借调期间应当要求签订三方协议或劳务协议,保留好工作记录和证据。”

共享经济 sharing economy

用工荒 workforce crunch

灵活就业 flexible employment

劳务派遣 labor dispatch

借调 secondment


参考来源:光明日报 新华网 Sixth Tone


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