1、contactn. 联络; 熟人;变形 过去分词: contacted 过去式: contacted 现在分词: contacting 第三人称单数: contacts双语例句1. Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost. 友情是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。
3、2. The exiles had been cut off from all contact with their homeland. 流亡者被切断了与家乡的所有联系。
4、3. This morning he had tried every way possible to contact her. 他今天早晨已想尽办法与她联系。
5、4. She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage. 她仍旧渴望拥有婚姻中逝去的那份缱绻和肌肤之亲。
6、5. For a local bus timetable, contact Dyfed County Council. 若要当地公共汽车时刻表,请与达费德郡政务委员会联系。
7、6. They are in twice daily radio contact with the rebel leader. 他们每天用无线电和叛军首领联系两次。
8、7. Have you been able to have any kind of contact? 你联系上了吗?8. He seemed to be in direct contact with the Boss. 他似乎直接和老板联系。
9、9. For further information, please contact 414 3925, extension 2253. 详情请致电4143925,转分机2253。
10、10. I came into contact with very bright Harvard and Yale students. 我接触到一些非常聪明的哈佛和耶鲁的学生。