



“谢谢你告诉我们这些,Captain Obvious(明知船长)!” 或许是你听到这句话后的第一反应。道理大家都懂,但是怎么实现呢?我当然不是空口说白话,请允许我进行解释——你究竟应该如何雇佣到真正合适的、可以帮你做出最优秀的决定的营销专员,又如何利用真正合适的营销渠道去调整和实施你的市场营销策略呢?如果你没有预算请这种高手的话,请读到最后!


l Experience(经验)


l Education(教育)


l Efficiency(效率)


l Evaluate(评估)

对于营销专员而言,以数字的方式呈现他/她的工作是极其可取的。不过,应当注意避免无意义的指标。而如果持续绩效可以被明确规定,则可以进行更优化的评估(Evaluate),这是我们要讲的下一个词。而且,任何营销专员拒绝量化都是在耍流氓! 此外,为了确保触及最终效益,定性表现需要也须与最终目标进行比较。

l Enlarge(放大)

我曾经和一个客户谈起过一个营销专员,她在所有的细枝末节上都处理得非常优秀,或者是她真的很擅长做一些细节性的工作,但是她所在公司的市场需求并不适合利益基础市场,所以我强烈地建议他们解雇了这位员工。这使我的客户听到了这件事情伊始表现的非常震惊。你会看到,当你正在寻找那些“巨星”级的营销专员时,很容易分辨出他们的独特之处——他们看待市场的眼光更加长远,视野更加宽广。至于他们的工作针对于增加流量还是挖掘潜在的销售机会(leads generation),其实这并不重要,而他们需要去了解并且满足在各个营销阶段中企业的需求所在。

l Empathy(体谅)


l Execution(执行力)


大多数业务部门负责人最大的抱怨之一是营销专员总是“说的很多,却做的很少”,所以执行力(Execution)是非常关键的一个因素。在这里要向做营销的同行友人们道声抱歉,不过这往往是事实,而且我一点儿也不内疚! 市场营销专员们总被认为很有创意,有时他们对于自我反思和头脑风暴萌生的想法有些过于兴奋,但他们却不能将这些想法落实。 你要确保这个“E”存在于雇用的每个营销专员中,不管他/她的级别有多高。单纯的策略不会让你的公司出类拔萃——唯有执行才是硬道理。

l Enterprising(进取心)




l Experience(经验)

l Education(教育)

l Efficiency(效率)

l Evaluate(评估)

l Enlarge(放大)

l Empathy(体谅)

l Execution(执行力)

l Enterprising(进取心)


8分:你需要立刻给他/她一个足够有吸引力的报价 !




虽然我可能不是一个营销大师,但连老天爷都知道我确切而且深刻地了解如何帮助我的客户识别、雇用正确的内部和外部市场营销专员,所以我100%深信建议可以帮助到大家! 一旦你有合适的营销专员和合适的预算来分配给他们,那么至少你已经准备好了拓展你公司的业务,并且就如标题所保证的,提升你们整体的营销流程和品牌知名度。好了,准备开启新的征程吧!


Many articles try teaching you how to market properly and increase ROI by x%, or worse off, they only teach you how some marketing tricks that you can easily find off Google or Baidu elsewhere. So let AndyZ try taking a different spin on this..

Here’s my way of ensuring your marketing can produce much better results: Hire the right marketer (could be an inhouse individual, consultant, or agency) and have the right channels/tools! Of course, having the former will help the latter.

“Thanks for pointing that out, Captain obvious” is probably your first remark, but let me explain howexactlyyou can hire the right marketer which can then help you make the best decisions on utilizing the best marketing channels and tools, amending and realizing your marketing strategy.

I’m an acronym fan, so I’ve created 8 “E”s for you to remember:


Yes, a lot of marketing skills are transferable and I am an advocate of not restricting hiring those that only belong to your own industry. However, experience is still very important because if a marketer can be back up what they’ve done before with case studies and references, it means they are able to draw on their practical knowledge to provide and execute the optimal solution for your marketing needs. People with the right set of marketing experience also know how to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of marketing, and are well-equipped to acquire the latest knowledge much faster than your average employee can, because the experience he or she has allows targeted exposure.


A marketer that simply understands the latest marketing trends, technology and tools is not good enough, he or she must be able to coach the company and its members about them too. The point is, a marketer that you can learn something from is extremely important because if other departments can understand the role and slightly more about how marketing will impact their jobs, this too will improve inter-department collaboration.


This trait encourages marketers to be focused on taking action and results, and can adapt real-time based on evolving needs, but at the same time they are responsive enough that they can give you near-instantaneous feedback, and never overpromising expectations. Most importantly, what they do is exact and precise and within a reasonable turnaround timeframe, because marketing is one field that doesn’t really allow too much room for error since it is a cost churning department. Not to mention, simple economics tells you that time always has a huge opportunity cost in the wonderful world of business.


A marketer can properly present his or her work in terms of numbers is extremely desirable. Meaningless metrics should be avoided, rather if ongoing performance can be well-defined, more optimized evaluation can take place. Any marketer that refuses to properly measure their marketing work is being devious here. In addition, qualitative performances need to be compared with ultimate goals, and drive bottom line results.


I’ve once discussed with a client about a marketer who is fantastic on all the finesse details, he or she was really good at doing the little things, but because their business needs didn’t allow them to have very niche marketers, I strongly recommended them against hiring such candidate, which shocked my client at first. You see, when you are looking for superstar marketers, what separates them from the rest of the pack is their ability to look at marketing from a much bigger picture, an enlarged view. It doesn’t matter whether their work is focused on traffic or leads generation, they need to understand how their solution to the various stages of the marketing funnel is relative to the company’s needs.



If you can’t understand the other person’s feelings, then you have very bad social skills. Likewise, if a marketer cannot understand the business’ true pain points, then he or she must suck at marketing. You need a marketer who understands your sales goals and is engaged in your success. Empathy can also come from personality traits such as easy-going and culturally aligned with your business. Every company, regardless if they are a startup or a multinational has its own corporate culture, so if they don’t fit – doesn’t matter if they are inhouse or external, then how can they truly understand your business objectives?


One of the biggest complaints made by most heads of business units are that marketers are always all talk, and little action. Sorry my fellow marketing friends, this is more often than not true. Marketing personnel are considered creatives, and sometimes they take a bit too much pleasure in overthinking and brainstorming ideas, but cannot bring them to fruition themselves. Make sure this trait exists in every marketer you hire, doesn’t matter how senior he or she is, because strategy doesn’t win you battles – execution does.


A huge part of marketing has to do with creativity and innovative ability, and if a marketer is overly obsessed about just hitting the numbers without actually bringing fresh ideas to the table, then these are the types of people that will never progress beyond the junior levels (and if these guys are external – wow you should run away now!) Apart from various marketing campaigns, he or she also needs to be creative with the given expenditure (sorry this extra “E” didn’t merit its own section but you know how much I love these acronyms). We’re talking about the attitude and spirit here, so the marketer needs to display this in accordance with the other “E”s mentioned.

As promised for those that don’t have the budget to hire such stellar talent – then you need to train yourself to be like marketers with the above qualities. As much as the emphasis on entrepreneurs should be jack of all trades and their ability to wear multiple hats, startups though need to have a clear division of responsibility, so if marketing isn’t your thing then you need to seek outside help.

Create a simple checklist:

l Experience

l Education

l Efficiency

l Evaluate

l Enlarge

l Empathy

l Execution

l Enterprising

You can mark a check next to the trait that your potential marketer possesses and refer to my descriptions above. Here’s a general score guide:

8 checks: You need to make an attractive offer to this guy or girl on the spot, now!

5-7 checks: Good candidate, but make sure the room for improvement can be fulfilled


3-4 checks: Don’t hire unless you badly need a body to fill in temporarily

Less than 3: Run away now, and hire at your own peril!

While I may not be a marketing guru, I sure as hell deeply understand how to assist my clients to identify and hire the right inhouse and external marketers, so hopefully this helps. Once you have the right marketer and the right budget to allocate to them, then at least you are well set on your journey to grow the business and increase publicity as the title promised.


– Multicultural and multilingual: Grew up and lived in a number of countries, American-born Chinese and Third Culture Kid (TCK)

多文化和多语言:在多个国家成长和居住;美籍华人, 典型第三文化人士(TCK)

– Leader in empowering corporate training and recruitment professionals with assessment methodologies and project-based learning andragogy


– Decade of experience in education and training, and expert in China


– UC Berkeley Alumni Club Ex-Leader and Recruitment Ambassador


– Third-party Interviewer for College Admissions


– Helped build a number of college admissions counseling departments


– Unlike most “education experts”, personally attended more than a dozen schools growing up and personally went through the AP, IB, British, Singaporean and Hong Kong education systems


欢迎大家关注其自媒体平台Andy Z老师。

  • 发表于 2023-07-26 22:49:56
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